SvalGeoBase II

Geological workshop – Svalbard (3-9 September 2024)

Welcome to SvalGeoBase II

SvalGeoBase II aims to summarise actual state of understanding of tectono-thermal evolution of Svalbard and precisely construct the strategies of investigations for the nearest future.

The field-based workshop aboard research vessel Horyzont II will be divided into three distinct thematic packages: A. The jigsaw puzzle of tectono-thermal provinces of Svalbard – spatial relations, paleogeographic positions, geotectonic context. B. From magmatic processes to climate change. C. At the edge of the continental platform – geothermal potential of Svalbard.  

SvalGeoBase II will constitute the multidisciplinary international platform for critical evaluation of actual geotectonic and paleogeographic models, discussion of the tectono-thermal evolution of Svalbard and establish the frame for the nearest future scientific collaboration – shared projects, field campaigns and publications.

Representatives of the leading institutions involved in recent geological investigations of Svalbard have been contacted, and have already confirmed their participation: The University Centre in Svalbard – UNIS (Norway), University of Oslo – UiO (Norway), Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences – IG PAS (Poland), Uppsala University – UU (Sweden), AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow – AGH (Poland), Natural History Museum of London – NHM (Great Britain), University of Warsaw – UW (Poland).

We will also have the honour to host representatives of the following institutions on board: Ministry of Climate and Environment (Poland), Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland – GEUS (Denmark), Curtin University (Australia), Stockholm University – SU (Sweden), University of Gothenburg – GU (Sweden), Museum of Natural History (Sweden).

The scientists invited to take a part in the workshop represent a wide range of geosciences: largescale
geotectonic reconstructions, palaeogeography, metamorphic petrology, mineralogy and
mineral resources, structural geology, geochemistry, palaeomagnetism and digital geology.


Increased scientific quality in research in Svalbard – 11 years after the first addition of SvalGeoBase actual knowledge about the Svalbard Caledonian Basement will be again summarised. Important knowledge gaps in the tectono-thermal Proterozoic and Phanerozoic Svalbard history will be identified.

Increased coordination of research activitiesa detailed strategy for the nearest future investigations in Svalbard and the adjacent Arctic regions (Greenland, Ellesmere Island) which share a common ancestry, will be created.

Increased collaboration between researchers and research institutions in Svalbard – SvalGeoBase II is the ideal multidisciplinary scientific platform to strengthen a research network between leading European scientific institutions focused on geological evolution of Svalbard and the High Arctic in general.

Placing Svalbard research in a larger pan-Arctic and global perspective – spatial paleogeographic relations of Svalbard to the adjacent paleocontinents Baltica and Laurentia as well as within the Rodinia supercontinent will be discussed.

Open sharing of data collected in Svalbard – detailed plans regarding collected data repository will be constructed. Open-source strategy regarding published articles will be discussed.  

Reduced environmental footprint from research activities – coordinated plans for future fieldwork will be prepared to maximize scientific outcome of expeditions and reduce impacts on the fragile Arctic ecosystems.


Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)

Uppsala Iniversity, Department of Earth Sciences (Sweden)


Dr hab. Krzysztof Michalski –

Prof. Jarosław Majka –

Prof. Piotr Głowacki –

Official partners

University of Oslo, Department of Geosciences (Norway)

Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System – SIOS

EEA Grants and Norway Grants – HarSval project

The University Centre in Svalbard – UNIS


SvalGeoBase II 2024 – itinerary – download file

SvalGeoBase II 2024 – list of participants – download file

SvalGeoBase II 2024 Flyer 1 – plan of scientific sessions and abstracts – download file

SvalGeoBase II 2024 Flyer 2 – practical information – download file

SvalGeoBase II 2024 Flyer 3 – detailed program of scientific sessions – download file

Savety in Svalbarddownload file